August 2010
Laura Dent, in preparation for her upcoming trip to Italy, came to my backyard studio for a few Sundays to hone her plein-air painting skills before tackling the gorgeous Tuscan hills. It was really a remarkable experience, watching her grasp some more advanced skills and take the next step in her development. I think the most remarkable life would be to take students to Italy for painting trips. Anybody want to join me?
Our March Painting workshop was a total success! My painting students were amazing and completely blew me away with their dedication and enthusiasm... Thank you to Kyle and Nate for opening up their beautiful loft for the six weeks, and here are some pictures from our last class:
the flyer for the workshop......
Previous Workshops:
Winter 2010 Mastering the Color Palette, Island Arts League, San Juan Island WA
Summer 2008 Young Artists at Work: Sensing Your World, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art,
Winter 2006 Basic Oil Workshop: Focus on Color Rembrandt Yard, Boulder CO